Tutorial J: Efficiently training deep Seldonian networks

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Modern deep networks can have billions of trainable parameters, making them computationally expensive to train. Furthermore, hyperparameter tuning usually involves re-training the model many times with different hyperparameters, making it a potential bottleneck in machine learning workflows. In Seldonian algorithms, the addition of constraints increases the computational burden of model training. The number of constraints and the complexity of each constraint will determine how much additional compute is necessary to perform candidate selection, the part of the algorithm where the model is trained. The toolkit can leverage GPUs when the model is written in PyTorch or Tensorflow to mitigate the computational burden (see Tutorial G: Creating your first Seldonian PyTorch model, for example). However, training large models subject to constraints is an unavoidably expensive computation.

The computational burden of candidate selection can be significantly minimized if the model (e.g., deep neural network) that is used in the Seldonian algorithm is simplified. We hypothesize that most of the hidden layers of a deep network can be trained without knowledge of the constraints. In general, early layers of a deep network learn basic features, and as layer depth increases so does the complexity of the features that can be learned. For example, in a convolutional neural network learning to distinguish between images of cats and dogs, the first few layers might learn basic edge filters, and the deeper layers might learn more complex features such as coat patterns and whisker shapes. The final few layers contain the task-specific information that connect the learned features to the output layer. For many types of constraints, it is unlikely that the parameters of the early layers, such as the shape detectors, need to be adjusted to accommodate the constraints. We conjecture that only the final layer(s) needs to be trained in the Seldonian algorithm, and the rest of the network can be trained in the conventional way without constraints. This can significantly reduce the number of parameters that need to trained subject to the constraint, making the additional compute needed to ensure a safe or fair model essentially constant regardless of the depth of the network.

In this tutorial, we formalize the process described above for efficiently training deep networks subject to constraints using the toolkit. We apply this method to the Gender bias in facial recognition example. We find that using only the final layer in the network when training the Seldonian algorithm, we can achieve equal performance and constraint-satisfaction as we did when using the entire network.

Outline of method

Here we sketch an outline of a general procedure to create efficient deep Seldonian networks by reducing the size of the network that is used in the Seldonian algorithm. Note that some steps are to be performed before using the Seldonian Toolkit.

    Before using the Seldonian Toolkit:
  1. Randomize the data, then split it into two datasets. The optimal split will depend on the specific problem, but we suggest starting with a 50/50 split.
  2. Train the full network on one of these sets using your favorite training method, e.g., PyTorch. This can be done in a framework and programming language of your choice. There is no need to include any information about behavioral constraints in this training process - you just want to optimize for the primary objective function, e.g., cross entropy. Save the weights of the trained model so that you can access them again later.
  3. Separate out the "body" and the "head" of the full network into two separate models, a "body-only" model and a "head-only" model. In this tutorial, the head of the network refers to the final fully connected layer (the output layer) of the network. In general, one could split the network anywhere.
  4. Assign the weights from the trained full network to the new body-only model so that this body-only model is "trained." Or, simply remove the head of the full network so that you are left only with the trained body.
  5. Pass all of the data (both datasets from step 1) through the trained "body-only" model. Save the outputs of this model. These are your new "latent features" that you will use as input to the Seldonian Toolkit.

  6. Using the Seldonian Toolkit:
  7. The head-only model is the model you will use in the toolkit. This head-only model should be initially untrained when used in the toolkit, so don't apply the weights learned in step 2 to the head. This model needs to written in Python, either using pure Python, Numpy, PyTorch or Tensorflow. The head will often be a linear model, so you may be able to use one of the built-in toolkit models, such as the LinearRegressionModel class.
  8. The data you will use are the latent features created in step 5.
  9. When setting up the spec object, assign the frac_data_in_safety parameter to be the same split fraction as you used in step 1. For example, if you used a 50/50 split, set frac_data_in_safety=0.5. It is important that the candidate data you use in the toolkit come from the dataset that you used to train the full model in step 2. In other words, no safety data should come from the dataset that was used to train the full model in step 2 because that would invalidate the safety/fairness guarantees. The data split that the toolkit performs does not reshuffle the data, so as long as you didn't shuffle the data yourself after step 1, this requirement should be met.
  10. Run the Seldonian engine/experiments as normal, except now your model is a simple (often linear) model instead of a deep network. Engine and experiment runs should be much faster than if you used the full network, especially if your initial network is large.

Note: if you are starting with a pre-trained network, the steps are slightly different. In this case, you would skip steps 1 and 2. If you have access to the data that was used to train the model, you can use that for candidate selection. However, you must obtain some new data to use for the safety data that was not used to train the pre-trained model. The reason for this is described in step 8 above. If you do not have access to the data that was used to train the model, then any new data you have can be partitioned into candidate and safety data (via the frac_data_in_safety parameter) however you like.

Example: efficiently training a Seldonian facial recognition system

We will now go through an example to make the steps described in the outline above more concrete. We will use the same dataset and model from the Gender bias in facial recognition example. In that example, we trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify gender from images of faces from the UTKFace dataset, subject to a fairness constraint enforcing that accuracy should be similar when predicting male and female faces. Before following along with the steps above, we need to set up our computing environment properly. We recommend following along with these steps in the Colab notebook linked at the top of this tutorial. However, we reproduce the steps here if you simply want to read along rather than run the cells yourself.


Make sure GPU is enabled

Make sure that whatever system you're on is capable of using the GPU. The Colab notebook (link at the top of this page) shows how to do that for Colabs, but in general this amounts to downloading the correct drivers for PyTorch or Tensorflow.

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss,accuracy_score

from seldonian.spec import SupervisedSpec
from seldonian.dataset import SupervisedDataSet
from seldonian.models import objectives
from seldonian.seldonian_algorithm import SeldonianAlgorithm
from seldonian.parse_tree.parse_tree import (
from seldonian.utils.io_utils import load_pickle,save_pickle
from seldonian.utils.plot_utils import plot_gradient_descent
from experiments.generate_plots import SupervisedPlotGenerator
Dataset preparation

First download the dataset from here. Unzip that file, revealing the data file called age_gender.csv. The following code loads the dataset, shuffles it, and clip off 5 samples to make the dataset size more easily divisible when making mini-batches.


savename_features = './features.pkl'
savename_labels = './labels.pkl'
savename_sensitive_attrs = './sensitive_attrs.pkl'
print("loading data...")
data = pd.read_csv('age_gender.csv')
print("resampling data and clipping off 5 samples..")
data_resamp = data.sample(n=len(data),random_state=42).iloc[:N]

The next steps are to make the features and labels that we will use to train the model. This requires converting the flattened image data from the dataframe into the shape and data type that the model expects. After creating these, we save them to disk for fast loading later.

print("Converting pixels to array...")
data_resamp['pixels']=data_resamp['pixels'].apply(lambda x:  np.array(x.split(), dtype="float32"))

print("Normalizing and reshaping pixel data...")
data_resamp['pixels'] = data_resamp['pixels'].apply(lambda x: x/255)

X = np.array(data_resamp['pixels'].tolist())

features = X.reshape(X.shape[0],1,48,48) # the shape expected in the model

labels = data_resamp['gender'].values


Step 1. Split data into two datasets

We'll call these the candidate ("cand") and safety, and use a 50/50 split. The data are already shuffled, so we'll split right down the middle. The first half will be candidate data and the second will be safety. We'll also make the PyTorch data loaders which come in handy for training with PyTorch.

# N/2 = 11850
features_cand = features[:11850]
features_safety = features[11850:]
labels_cand = labels[:11850]
labels_safety = labels[11850:]

# Convert to tensors for training with Pytorch
features_cand_tensor = torch.from_numpy(features_cand)
features_safety_tensor = torch.from_numpy(features_safety)
labels_cand_tensor = torch.from_numpy(labels_cand)
labels_safety_tensor = torch.from_numpy(labels_safety)

# Make torch data loaders
batch_size = 100
loaders = {
    'candidate' : candidate_dataloader,
    'safety'  : safety_dataloader

Step 2. Train the full network on the candidate data only

Let's define the full network below.

class CNNModelNoSoftmax(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        # Model used for training in Pytorch only. No droputs, no softmax
        super(CNNModelNoSoftmax, self).__init__()

        self.cnn1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=16, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()

        # Max pool 1
        self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)

        self.cnn2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3)
        self.cnn3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3)
        self.cnn4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3)
        # Fully connected 1 (readout)
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128 * 1 * 1, 128) 

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.cnn1(x) 
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.Batch1(out)
        out = self.cnn2(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.Batch2(out)
        out = self.cnn3(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.Batch3(out)
        out = self.cnn4(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.Batch4(out)

        # Resize
        # Original size: (100, 32, 7, 7)
        # out.size(0): 100
        # New out size: (100, 32*7*7)
        out = out.view(out.size(0), -1)
        # Linear function (readout)
        out = self.fc1(out)
        out = self.fc2(out)
        out = self.fc3(out)
        return out

Next, we instantiate the model, and put it on the GPU.

cnn = CNNModelNoSoftmax()
cnn.to(device) # puts it on the GPU

Here, we set up the training parameters and the training function.

loss_func = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(cnn.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

def train(num_epochs, cnn, loaders):
    # Train the model
    total_step = len(loaders['candidate'])
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        for i, (images, labels) in enumerate(loaders['candidate']):

            images = images.to(device)
            labels = labels.to(device)
            b_x = Variable(images)   # batch x
            output = cnn(b_x)
            b_y = Variable(labels)   # batch y
            loss = loss_func(output, b_y)
            # clear gradients for this training step   
            # backpropagation, compute gradients 
            # apply gradients             
            if (i+1) % 100 == 0:
                print ('Epoch [{}/{}], Step [{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}' 
                       .format(epoch + 1, num_epochs, i + 1, total_step, loss.item()))

Let's train for ten epochs.

num_epochs = 10
train(num_epochs, cnn, loaders)

Running that code produces the following output:

Training model on full CNN with 10 epochs
Epoch [1/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.3644
Epoch [2/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.2790
Epoch [3/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.2157
Epoch [4/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.1937
Epoch [5/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.2020
Epoch [6/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.2036
Epoch [7/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.1336
Epoch [8/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.0666
Epoch [9/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.0720
Epoch [10/10], Step [100/119], Loss: 0.0973

We evaluate the performance on the safety dataset using the following code.

def test():
    test_loss = 0
    correct = 0
    test_loader = loaders['safety']
    with torch.no_grad():
        for images, target in test_loader:
            images = images.to(device)
            target = target.to(device)
            output = cnn(images)
            pred = output.data.max(1, keepdim=True)[1]
            correct += pred.eq(target.data.view_as(pred)).sum()
    print('\nTest set: Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.0f}%)\n'.format(
    correct, len(test_loader.dataset),
    100. * correct / len(test_loader.dataset)))

Running that code produces the following output:

Test set: Accuracy: 10195/11850 (86%)

The result may differ slightly depending on your machine and random seed. We need to save the parameters of this trained model so we can apply them to the body-only model.

# Save state dict after training and verify parameters were changed
sd_after_training = cnn.state_dict()

Step 3. Separate out the "body" and the "head" of the full network into two separate models

The body-only model is the full network minus the final fully connected layer (and the softmax):

# Defines the body-only a.k.a "headless" model
class CNNHeadlessModel(nn.Module):
    # Model for creating latent features. No dropouts, no final fc3 layer and no softmax
    def __init__(self):
        super(CNNHeadlessModel, self).__init__()

        self.cnn1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=16, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()

        # Max pool 1
        self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2)

        self.cnn2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3)
        self.cnn3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3)
        self.cnn4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3)

        # Fully connected 1 (readout)
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128 * 1 * 1, 128) 

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.cnn1(x) 
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.cnn2(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.cnn3(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        out = self.cnn4(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        out = self.maxpool(out)
        # Resize
        # Original size: (100, 32, 7, 7)
        # out.size(0): 100
        # New out size: (100, 32*7*7)
        out = out.view(out.size(0), -1)

        # Linear function (readout)
        out = self.fc1(out)

        return out

Let's instantiate this model and put it on the GPU.

cnn_headless = CNNHeadlessModel().to(device)

Step 4. Assign the weights from the trained full network to the new body-only model

This ensures that the body-only model is "trained." Remove the weights and bias from the last layer of the state dictionary from the trained full model so that we can copy the state dict from the trained model to the new headless model.

del sd_after_training['fc3.weight']
del sd_after_training['fc3.bias']


Step 5. Pass all of the data (both datasets from step 1) through the trained "body-only" model

Save the outputs of passing the data through the model. These are your new "latent features" that you will use as input to the Seldonian Toolkit. First, notice that the output of the last layer of the headless model has size: 256. Therefore, we will have 256 features for each image.

Pass candidate data in first, followed by safety data. When we use these features/labels in the Seldonian Toolkit, the candidate data are taken first during the candidate/safety split. This code also fills the labels we will save. The last part of the code saves the features and labels to pickle files.

new_features = np.zeros((23700,256))
new_labels = np.zeros(23700)
for i,(images, labels) in enumerate(loaders['candidate']):
    images = images.to(device)
    start_index = i*batch_size
    end_index = start_index + len(images)
    new_labels[start_index:end_index] = labels.numpy()
    new_features[start_index:end_index] = cnn_headless(images).cpu().detach().numpy()
for j,(images, labels) in enumerate(loaders['safety']):
    images = images.to(device)
    start_index = end_index
    end_index = start_index + len(images)
    new_labels[start_index:end_index] = labels.numpy()
    new_features[start_index:end_index] = cnn_headless(images).cpu().detach().numpy()

# Save latent features and labels

Step 6. The head-only model is the model we will use in the toolkit

The head-only model should be initially untrained when used in the toolkit, so don't apply the weights learned in step 2 to the head. The model needs to be compatible with the toolkit, so regardless of the programming language used to define the full network, the head-only model needs to be implemented in Python. Specifically, the toolkit supports Numpy, PyTorch or Tensorflow models. We will just take the PyTorch implemented of the head from the full network and implement it as its own model.

from seldonian.models.pytorch_model import SupervisedPytorchBaseModel

class FacialRecogHeadCNNModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        """ Implements just the linear + softmax output layer 
        of the full CNN
        super(FacialRecogHeadCNNModel, self).__init__()
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)

    def forward(self, x):

        return out

class PytorchFacialRecogHead(SupervisedPytorchBaseModel):
    def __init__(self,device):
        The Seldonian model, implementing just the head of the 
        full CNN.

    def create_model(self,**kwargs):
        return FacialRecogHeadCNNModel()

Step 7. The data we will use are the latent features created in step 5

Let's create a Seldonian dataset object from these features, the labels and the sensitive attributes

print("Making SupervisedDataSet...")

savename_features = './facial_gender_latent_features.pkl'
savename_labels = './facial_gender_labels.pkl'
features = load_pickle(savename_features)
labels = load_pickle(savename_labels)
F = load_pickle(savename_labels) # the labels are 0 if male 1 if female
sensitive_attrs = np.hstack((M.reshape(-1,1),F.reshape(-1,1)))

sensitive_col_names = ['M','F']

meta_information = {}
meta_information['feature_col_names'] = ['img']
meta_information['label_col_names'] = ['label']
meta_information['sensitive_col_names'] = sensitive_col_names
meta_information['sub_regime'] = sub_regime

dataset = SupervisedDataSet(

Step 8. Assign the frac_data_in_safety parameter of the spec object to be the same split fraction as you used in step 1

We used a 50/50 split in step 1, so we just need to set frac_data_in_safety=0.5. Recall that the candidate data that we use in the toolkit must match the dataset that we used to train the full model in step 2. In other words, no safety data should come from the dataset that was used to train the full model in step 2 because that would invalidate the safety/fairness guarantees. The data split that the toolkit performs does not reshuffle the data, so the candidate data will be the first half of the data we pass to the dataset object. This is the same half on which we trained the full model. That means that the latent features that will be used as candidate data in the toolkit came from the candidate data on which we trained the full model.

Step 9. Run the Seldonian Engine/Experiments as normal, except now the model is a simple linear model instead of a deep network

As we will see, using the head-only in the toolkit will be much faster than using the full network as we did in the Gender bias in facial recognition example. Let's set up the spec object we need to run the Engine. We already have the dataset object, so we just need the parse trees and the hyperparameters for the optimization. Note that we don't need to use mini-batches in gradient descent/ascent because the model is now a small linear model and no longer a deep network.

constraint_strs = ['min((ACC | [M])/(ACC | [F]),(ACC | [F])/(ACC | [M])) >= 0.8']
deltas = [0.05] 
print("Making parse trees for constraint(s):")
print(constraint_strs," with deltas: ", deltas)
parse_trees = make_parse_trees_from_constraints(

# Set the model to be the head-only model
# Let's run on the CPU because it's just a linear model - no need for GPU.
cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
model = PytorchFacialRecogHead(cpu_device)

# Set the rest of the spec parameters.
# All of these are the same as what we used in the 
# gender classifier example.
initial_solution_fn = model.get_model_params
primary_objective_fn = objectives.binary_logistic_loss

# Make the spec object and save it
spec = SupervisedSpec(
            'lambda_init'   : np.array([0.5]),
            'alpha_theta'   : 0.01,
            'alpha_lamb'    : 0.01,
            'beta_velocity' : 0.9,
            'beta_rmsprop'  : 0.95,
            'use_batches'   : False,
            'num_iters'     : 1200,
            'gradient_library': "autograd",
            'hyper_search'  : None,
            'verbose'       : True,

Now we are ready to run the Seldonian Engine.

# Run the Seldonian Engine
SA = SeldonianAlgorithm(spec)
passed_safety,solution = SA.run(debug=False,write_cs_logfile=True)

If we run the above code, we can see that it passed the safety test, and it took less than 10 seconds on the CPU. Let's visualize the gradient descent process. Unless you are running this in Google Colab, you will probably need to change the path to the log file.

sol_dict = load_pickle(f)
fig=plot_gradient_descent(sol_dict,primary_objective_name='cross entropy',plot_running_avg=True)

Running this code produces the following plot:

Candidate selection
Figure 1 - How the parameters of the KKT optimization problem changed during gradient descent on the fair gender classifier example, using the linear head-only model. (Left) cross-entropy value in each mini-batch, (middle left) single Lagrange multiplier (middle right) predicted high-confidence upper bound (HCUB) on the disparate impact constraint function, $\hat{g}_1(\theta,D_\mathrm{minibatch})$, and (right) the Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}(\theta,\boldsymbol{\lambda})$. The black dotted lines in each panel indicate where the optimum was found. The optimum is defined as the feasible solution with the lowest value of the primary objective. A feasible solution is one where $\mathrm{HCUB}(\hat{g}_i(\theta,D_\mathrm{cand})) \leq 0, i \in \{1 ... n\}$. In this example, we only have one constraint, and the infeasible region is shown in red in the middle right plot.


The following section is greyed out because we identified an issue with the way we were comparing the headless model to the other models in the three plots. The headless model was pre-trained on a large amount of data, which isn't represented by the horizontal axis of the three plots. The other models were not pre-trained on any data, so the comparison of the headless model to the other models at a given amount of input data is not appropriate. We are in the process of re-running the experiments in a way that will provide a more appropriate comparison between the headless model and the other models.

Run a Seldonian Experiment

Note: Running the following experiments is compute-intensive on the CPU. The experiments library is parallelized across multiple CPUs to speed up the computation. However, free-tier Colab notebooks such as the default one that opens when clicking the button at the top of this tutorial lack the number and quality of CPUs for running the experiments in a reasonable amount of time. In the Colab notebook, we prepopulated the results so that the experiments did not actually have to run. However, if you want to run these experiments yourself in full, we recommend using a machine with at least 4 CPUs. For reference, on a Mac M1 with 7 CPU cores the experiment takes between between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. Though we have not tested this code in Google Colab PRO or PRO+ notebooks, we expect that the resources allocated in those paid-tier notebooks will be sufficient to run the full experiment.

Now, we set up the parameters of the experiment. We will be using 10 trials with six data fractions. This setup is similar to the setup in the gender classifier example. Set n_workers to the number of CPUs you want to use. Each CPU will get one trial at a time. Change results_dir to where you want to save the results.

# Parameter setup
cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") # run on the CPU since we have a simple linear model
include_legend = True
performance_metric = 'Accuracy'
model_label_dict = {
  'qsa':'CNN (QSA on head only)',
  'qsa_fullmodel':'CNN (QSA on full model)',
  'facial_recog_cnn': 'full CNN (no constraints)'}

n_trials = 10
data_fracs = [0.001,0.005,0.01,0.1,0.33,0.66] 
batch_epoch_dict = {
  1.0: [237,10]
n_workers = 8
results_dir = '.'

Here we define the ground truth dataset, which is the original dataset.

# Use entire original dataset as ground truth for test set
dataset = spec.dataset
test_features = dataset.features
test_labels = dataset.labels

Next, we define the function used for evaluating the performance and its keyword arguments. Above, we set performance_metric='Accuracy', so that's the metric we will use for the left-most plot.

# Setup performance evaluation functions and kwargs 
def perf_eval_fn(y_pred,y,**kwargs):
  if performance_metric == 'log_loss':
    return log_loss(y,y_pred)
  elif performance_metric == 'Accuracy':
    return accuracy_score(y,y_pred > 0.5)

perf_eval_kwargs = {

We will use the default constraint evaluation function (built-in to the Engine), so we don't need to specify anything for that, but we can batch the model forward pass when evaluating the constraints. To specify the batch size, we use the following dictionary:

# Use default constraint eval function (don't need to set anything for that)
# Define kwargs to pass the the constraint eval function
constraint_eval_kwargs = {

Now we can make the plot generator and run the Seldonian experiment:

# Make the plot generator
plot_generator = SupervisedPlotGenerator(

# Run Seldonian experiment

Running the above code will produce 10 trials for each data fraction, resulting in a total of 60 files. These will be saved as CSV files in ${results_dir}/qsa_results/trial_data, where ${results_dir} is whatever you set that variable to be. We want to compare these results to the same experiment using the full deep network with the constraint as well as the full network without the constraint - these are the two curves shown in Figure 3 of the Gender bias in facial recognition example. To do this, we can copy the results from that experiment into the results_dir folder of this experiment. We did that, but renamed the qsa_results/ folder from the other experiment to qsa_fullmodel_results/ so that it wouldn't overwrite our qsa_results/ folder. The other folder we need to copy from that experiment is the facial_recog_cnn/ folder, which contains the results for the experiment on the full network lacking the constraint.

You'll notice in the parameter setup section of the current experiment that we defined the dictionary:

model_label_dict = {
  'qsa':'CNN (QSA on head only)',
  'qsa_fullmodel':'CNN (QSA on full model)',
  'facial_recog_cnn': 'full CNN (no constraints)'}

This dictionary maps the model name (the prefix to _results in the model results folder path) to the name you want displayed in the legend of the plot. Let's now run the code to make the three plots for this experiment and the two experiments we copied over.


Running that code produces the following three plots.

Candidate selection
Figure 2 Accuracy (left), probability of solution (middle) and probability that the constraint was violated (right) for three different models. The orange model is the full convolutional neural network trained without any constraints. It has the highest accuracy (left), but violates the constraint frequently (right). The green model is the QSA using the full network. Running an experiment with this model is very slow because all of the parameters in all layers of the network need to be trained subject to the constraint. The blue model is the model we built in this tutorial. It has 256 parameters versus the 147,682 parameters (only 0.2%!) of the full network. Despite being a vastly simpler model, it performs as well as the full network and it similarly never violates the fairness constraint.


In this tutorial, we demonstrated a strategy for efficiently applying fairness constraints to deep neural networks using the Seldonian Toolkit. The key to this method is that we don't necessarily need to re-learn most of the parameters of the network, such as basic feature-learning layers, in order to ensure a fair/safe model. We applied this technique to the Gender bias in facial recognition example, using a model consisting of only the final layer of the network in the Seldonian algorithm. We found that we were able to obtain an equally high-performing and fair model as the model trained using the entire network. We expect that this technique is not specific to this particular deep network, but can be applied to a range of deep learning problems. In this example, we split the model into body and head networks in such as way as to make the head the smallest possible model. It worked in this example because the final layer had enough parameters to find a solution that was high-performing and able to pass the safety test. In general, splitting at the final layer may not always work. It is possible that a different model's final layer may not have enough parameters to ensure a safe/fair model. The choice of where to split the model, i.e., what to define as the body and the head of the network, is probably dependent